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Spring Deep Clean – Equinox Edition 2023

By March 21, 2023December 21st, 2023No Comments

Hello everyone, this is my first newsletter and announcing + launch of my new website

I have gathered your emails from my inbox and hope you enjoy some news about Kambô, its properties and the journey I have started with this miraculous frog as a practitioner 😉

Kambô is a name given to a frog by several indigenous tribes of the northern Amazon basin. It’s a traditional medicine made by the frog – Phyllomedusa bicolor for protection against predators and infections. This powerful medicine has been used for millennia by the indigenous tribes for its powerful effects on the mind, body and spirit, as well as for hunting purposes.

These days, Kambô is gaining popularity in the western world as a natural remedy for various health conditions. To name a few: chronic fatigue, depression, addiction, Lyme disease, inflammation, chronic pain, herpes viruses and many more. So, the frog is a wonderful ally in deep cleaning, resetting and giving strength back to your being and ensuring a healthy and long life.

The main benefits of Kambô are detoxifying, clearing and re-aligning nature, other benefits include treating addictions and depressions. The secretion contains a complex mix of bioactive peptides (amino acids) that have shown to have powerful antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. These peptides work by mobilizing toxins and foreign substances in the body and flushing them out through excretion, also known as purging in Kambô sessions.

My journey with Kambô started back in 2015 and has been growing on me ever since. Until I got clearer in 2020 about wanting to serve other people. In 2022, I finally went to Peru to meet the frogs and learn the ways of Kambô and become a practitioner.

The astonishing cleansing effects of Kambo are especially beneficial for people who live, like myself, in polluted urban environments. Here we are in constant exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, and microplastics, to name the big ones. Toxins are everywhere in our environment, food, and so we are confronted with them on a daily basis. These toxins tend to accumulate in the body over time, often leading to chronic health conditions.

As spring is just around the corner, we have been hibernating for many months, I would like to invite you to clear out any accumulated toxins, get clear, balance, reset and boost your immune system for the returning of the light.

The special offer for the spring deep clean is a €20 discount on your first single session and a 20% discount if you book a triple session scheduled in one moon cycle. Furthermore, the application of Sananga eye drops and Rapé are free of charge in this period. This offer will be valid until the 24th of April 2023.

Read more about the amazing effects of Kambô on my website.

For further questions, please reach out. I love to answer your questions and be of service.

With love and blessing,

Joel David